Coastipedia Wiki

These are the latest videos of Jike.

FANDOM only supports videos from Youtube, Vimeo and another one that I forgot its name, but I know that these websites I wrote above are all blocked in China. If you have a Tor Browser, you can visit Youtube successfully, but it's REALLY, REALLY, PRETTY, TERRIBLY SLOW, and some videos can't even load!

So we just put our JIKE videos into our official account at Bilibili.

Click the link below to watch videos.

  1. Basketball show:
  2. JIKE Company's introduction:
  3. The Story of Ghost Jike:
  4. #Bonus Video#: 1801 Basketball show kichiku:
  5. JIKE's Treasure Ep.1: (This video decribed the wrong history of China, which is not allowed according to the law, so we removed its URL, sorry!)
  6. JIKE's Treasure Ep.2: (Upcoming!)
  7. JIKE'S "Delicious" Dishes Trailer:
  8. JIKE'S "Delicious" Dishes:

Please SUBSCRIBE us at Bilibili!

We'll make our videos BETTER & BETTER!
